Josie thought she was such a big helper as she attempted to push Daddy's Chair. She didn't speed things up, but it sure was cute!

We finalized Josie's adoption on December 6, 2007 at the Summit County Courthouse. It was such a special for us. Josie came home to us on April 18, 2007 and is now officially ours forever. It has been a wonderful 8 months of waiting. I can't believe how fast the time went by. It seems like it took forever for her to come home to us and now it is already finalized. It was a long 3 1/2 hour drive both ways. The kids were wonderful in the car, and a stop at McDonald's seems to always do the trick for at least the kids! We had the pleasure of sharing our court date with the Cook Family. They adopted their baby girl Hannah the same day we adopted Josie. The girls are only a day apart in ago. It was so much fun to see how big the girls have gotten. Hannah is a little doll that had on the cutest dress ( I think I'm going to try to find that one for Josie for the Holidays :) We are so blessed to have the most wonderful children. This is a Wonderful Life.