Josie is growing up so fast. We are busy getting ready for her 1st birthday. Her Tol Birthday. I just finished her invitations and are ready to be mailed. We have her 1st birthday pictures scheduled and her Korean Hanbok is on its way here. I can't wait till it comes. I ordered it from EBay and I'm very excited that it is coming from Seoul, South Korea. I'm trying to figure out the list of Korean ingredients that we will need. We have a lot of cooking ahead. We are going to try to do all the Korean traditions for her big day. Since we don't live in a big city some of the food will have to be omitted. I wish we could have had Rice cakes, but I hear that they are very hard to make. Josie is getting so big. She started to take her first steps this week and is beginning to say Dada, which Jeff just loves. Riley has become her best friend. Riley can always get a smile out of her. She is a sassy little one that loves to play in the dirt. I will be sure to post her Tol party. Well on to the pictures!